Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nature's Beauty

Snow on the ground... lots of snow, dont worry spring is near. Appreciate our many colors of the seasons. For if they were absent you may not appreciate the warm days.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday's Beauty Tip

We all treasure our Saturday mornings, but why? So we can accomplish all the things on our "to do" list that we can't seem to fit into the week?  I vote you take a few minutes for you each Saturday to refresh yourself. In between the banking, grocery shopping, cleaning, and cooking dont forget to stop for you. Everyone deserves a little "me time" and for some reason it can be very easily forgotten. This Saturday I decided my "me time" would be spent giving myself a manicure. While this may seem like no big deal to most, if your a nail biter like myself a manicure represents trying to change for the better. It's something I rarely take the time to do anymore... probably because I'm always finding something to clean or cook.

So here's my Saturday tip: keep your cuticle cream near your toothpaste. Every time you brush your teeth apply some cuticle cream to your fingertips and rub in. Nail biters tend to bite the skin around the nail because it's dry and scratchy - only making matters worse because when the skin grows back in it will still be dry and scratchy. If your cuticle cream is next to your toothpaste, you will see it and remember to use it several times a day, eventually leading to softer fingertips that hopefully you will be less likely to bite.

I prefer Burt's Bee's Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream. It has a refreshing scent and does a great job at conditioning my tips.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Destress yourself

How do you destress? I quit smoking many years ago, I don't drink, I try to find positive ways to destress at the end of the day. Today was definitely one of those days. When I got in the car I screamed out loud while sitting in a parking lot. Then turned up my music so I could belt out a tune as if I were trying out for a show, before pulling away I reached for my gum and began blowing as many bubbles as possible - this helps to take deep cleansing breaths.  I was about to buy myself flowers to cheer me up when I decided on buying a book instead ... I figured it would last longer)  When I arrived at home I had cookies and milk - my all time comfort food (while not healthy what could a couple cookies hurt anyway) ... well just in case I did a few exercises to strengthen my core before sinking into a nice hot bath.
I talked to my best friend who always gives me the best advice and helps to bring me back to center, and said the serenity prayer a few times. I also got a few good hugs from some of my favorite people, and shed a few quiet tears. After all of this I believe I will actually sleep tonight and pray for a better day tomorrow.  An Obstitritian I had a long time a go used to tell me at the end of the appointment to "have a better day" I always thought this to be strange when I wasnt sick, but never the less it stuck in my brain.  So I sometimes wonder what other people do to destress in a good way? I've included some pictures from some of my vacations, it's nice to think of fun times when your having a yucky day. I 've also included at the bottom of this message a short list of other things I could've done or that you may want to try the next time.

  • Meditate - deep breathing to help bring down your heart rate. Counting slowly at the same time or thinking a repititious saying in your head .
  • Blowing bubbles - I choose the bubble gum kind since I was in the car - but who doesn't love just blowing bubbles? You know like when you were a kid out of the jar. Either way it helps you take deep breaths.
  • Take a walk - burn off anger calories
  • Manicure/pedicure - wither done by a salon or yourself at home, concentrating on painting and filing.
  • Buy yourself flowers - who says you have to wait on Mr. Right to bring them?
  • Take a nap - aaaaaaaaa sleep
  • Clean your house - or just one drawer or closet or shelf
  • Ask someone else how was their day? Take the focus off of yourself for a few.
  • Go look in the mirror and tell yourself I am beautiful, I am strong, I can do this.
  • Watch mindless tv for awhile & give your brain a break
  • Draw, Color, doodle or journal
I could go on for miles; but lets all have a better day tomorrow for it is late and its time to shut it down.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Ideas

     Why is it my brain is always creating things when I don't have a paper and pen available?  I find my best creative ideas come to me when I'm trying to fall asleep or when I'm driving in the car. Either option is not a good place for my brain to be... it's in overdrive when I'm trying to sleep - I write a lot of notes in the dark and try to decipher them in the a/m. If I'm driving and thinking I tend to miss my turns - thank goodness never lights! I have driven several miles out of my way before realizing I was lost in my thoughts. So I hope someone has a solution to the latter of the two I would be welcome to hear them. Where are your creative places to unwind your brain?

Relax into another day, sleep well.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pictures of my family heritage album

These are two pages from my family heritage album. It was alot of fun to hear new stories from my aunts and uncles. Everyone is anxiously waiting to order their hardcover copy! I love digital scrapping for its fast layouts and multiple copy functionality

Scrapbooking Family Heritage Album

     I am so pleased to announce the family heritage album I started has been completed and sent to print. This is a project I started with my aunt. Together we scaned approx. 100 black and white photos from my grandparents albums. I created a questionnare for my 9 aunts and uncles to answer regarding different topics growing up. Topics included faith, school, playtime etc all what things were like when they were kids. I compiled the answers along with the photos into a digital scrapbook. I can't wait to get back the finished product! This project hit close to home for me as I was able to hear many stories from my family I had never heard before. Many family members are waiting the books arrival as well so they can order duplicate copies... oh the power of digital is so wonderful! I can't wait to work with my grandparent son my mom's side to start a book with them.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My First Blog

     Wow! I finally did it! I took the Blog plunge. I have been reading about this for some time, thinking I should research and figure it all out before I started one, then I finally realized I will never learn anything if I don't start applying what I've read so far. To most pro-bloggers this probably sounds silly, but if you think back to when you first started some of these same thoughts may have crossed your mind. I think of this as my new adventure, my new project. One thing I have never lacked in my creative life is projects. I plan on sharing these with those who are wanting to listen, and see how far this will go. Until next time...